frankilin roosevelt

It's not about being liberal or conservative anymore y'all. That is a hype offered by the fascist whores who want to confuse the people with lies while they turn this country into an aristocratic police state. Some people will say anything to attain power and money. There is no such thing as the Liberal Media, but the Corporate media is very real.

Check out my old  Voice of the People page.

Gino Napoli
San Francisco, California
High School Math Teacher

Loyalty without truth
is a trail to tyranny.

a middle-aged
George Washington

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Saturday, 18 March 2017 at 0h 8m 59s


I am sooooooooooo completely sick of all these reporters and journalists using the term "alt-right" like its a keyboard key stroke sequence. Just tap [alt][arrow Right] and a goose-stepping image of Hitler appears on the screen.

Can we just call them Nazi's already? Because that's what they are. When reporters on the TeeVee mention "platform of the alt-right" they should call it instead "the agenda of National Socialist party". The rump group of Rethuglicans in the Congress are there because of election chicanery and thievery, so how much integrity do you think you are gonna get out of these liars/thieves and the morbid racists who use them?

Answer: NONE.

Friday, 17 March 2017 at 23h 58m 0s

OMG this is the president

Trump ignores the German presses audible request and then statement by Chancellor Merkel for a handshake. He just sits there with a dumb, drooling, pompous look on his face and then quips "Send a good picture to Germany for me."

He is an arrogant buffoon. Please make it stop.

Friday, 17 March 2017 at 1h 55m 47s

Good speech about the reality of globalism

Dr. Yilmaz Akyuz, Chief Economist of the South Center, was formerly the Director of the Division on Globalization and Development Strategies at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) when he retired in August 2003. He was the principal author and head of the team preparing the Trade and Development Report, and UNCTAD coordinator of research and support to developing countries (the Group-of-24) in the IMF and World Bank on International Monetary and Financial Issues. He taught at various universities in Turkey and Europe before joining UNCTAD in 1984 and after his retirement, and published extensively in macroeconomics, finance, growth and development. He is the second holder of the Tun Ismail Ali International Chair in Monetary and Financial Economics at the University of Malaysia, established by Bank Negara.

[SOURCE:  | The Real News Network | 15 March 2017]

Friday, 17 March 2017 at 0h 45m 41s

Uhm, are you paying attention ?

The super rich are hi-jacking the state and manipulating the patriotism and prejudices of the lower classes in order to destroy the people's democracy and steal the people's treasury. This is a world-wide phenomenom. It's happening nation after nation all over the world right now.

Friday, 17 March 2017 at 0h 26m 9s

The Animals know something

From Popular Science: humpback whales are organizing in large numbers and no one knows why.

These whales are pretty interesting too.

They eat everything from krill to plankton to small fish, regardless of whether they speak whale. They even have a specialized way of hunting where they gang up on schools of fish to try to eat them all at once. It’s called bubble net feeding. The humpbacks divide up, some swirling around a group of fish and some blowing air, such that the circling whales can drive their victims into a net made of bubbles. This confuses the fish, trapping them inside, until one whale sounds the call and they all rush in, mouths agape, swimming upwards through the teeming mass of fish.

[SOURCE: Sara Chodosh | Popular Science | 15 March 2017]

Thursday, 16 March 2017 at 1h 20m 25s

Lee Camp is funny as shit

This quote comes from the previous video starting at 18:13.

[You] see White House, when a man really loves a corporate donor, and they get a private moment together, a special moment, some candles lit maybe, a little flowers, lite music, [that's when] you show off the "D". Alright, but not just out on public display.

Wow, I knew there would be a learning curve for the Trump White House to figure out how to be quietly corrupt. But this is ridiculous.

Seriously, you don't put the head of Exxon-Mobil as Secretary of State, okay. You are suppose to put in like a puppet, some dumb sap you [got] out on the street who is gonna do whatever you want, does everything you say ... like George W. Bush, remember him [laughs in mimic of GW Bush's infamous chuckle] ... remember that guy. Yea, he's pulling his nose in. Cover it up a little. Have some class. These guys are going with the full Monte.

This part occurs at 24:20

I know we have grown accustomed to this stuff. Like, we are used to the fact that most American's are struggling. We have grown habituated to it, and we have to fight that feeling that this is normal. America is incredibly rich. Insanely rich ... there is a banana's amount of wealth in this country and [yet] half of all Americans couldn't deal with a $500 emergency, because that money has been sucked to the top one percent. That's not okay. This is not alright. And these assholes have the nerve to go on TeeVee and brag about it. And brag about exploiting us.

I never thought I would ever miss the George W. Bush Republican administration, but good lord, I actually believe Dubya had a few moral principles and is a decent human being at heart when compared to this ruthless, heartless, inhuman gang of thugs that current inhabit the White House and most of the Rethuglican party.

The rest of the video is riotous by the way. I would love to quote the rest. Lee Camp is on fire as usual.

Thursday, 16 March 2017 at 0h 47m 4s

Good discussion with Richard Wolff

Let me suggest to you a way of understanding this. Every technological invention, from time immemorial to the present, justified itself on the grounds that by this new machine, by this new gimmick, we could [get] more done with less effort, with less drudgery, with less drone-like work of people ... and indeed those innovations, all of them, had that potential. But when they are put into a capitalist economic system, here [is] where the problem arises. The people who put the technology in [place] want to make profit out of it. So, for example, if a machine allows the workers to do twice as much as before, they FIRE half of the work force, and the remaining half [of the work force] works with the machine, produces as much as before, but the company realizes a fantastic profit because it doesn't have to pay half the workers wages which they can keep for themselves. Nice story for the company. Nice profit gain. But half the people are unemployed.

Here's an alternative. Let every worker do half as much work as he or she did before. Let's run the working day 4 hours instead of 8. With a machine that does twice as much, 4 hours will get you just as much as the 8 hour day used to, the workers will have [gained] an enormous amount of leisure [and can] pay attention to their development, their families, to their communities. If we use technology that way, we would use it to help the mass of people enjoy a better life RATHER THAN THE SMALL PERCENTAGE OF PEOPLE ENJOYING A GREATER PROFIT. The problem was NEVER with technology. The problem was with the system that decides how to use that technology.

The CAPITAL LETTERS and bold print are mine. The above quotation is from 9:41 to 11:35. Two minutes. This is why you cannot rely on video media for your knowledge or information. Two minutes is barely 2 paragraphs people. You need to READ.

None of the economic gains are passed on to the workers. But that's just because workers are "losers" who just weren't ruthless or smart or savvy enough to be one of the CEO's and financial magnates who were able to suck all this wealth out of these incorporated business entities. In the minds of these self-serving individuals who benefit from this dysfunctional economic system, your lot in life is a sign of strength or weakness, rather than the gene pool lottery or luck.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017 at 2h 30m 22s

This is how you do it

My response to a swarmy fool who played the "I'm a conservative" card and used it to justify fascist, ideological stupidity.


Why else are you calling a collection of taxes into a fund that pays out retirement an entitlement? It's no different than a savings account. Why are you saying "blame it on Bush" 9 years after Bush left office? All you have is a bunch of old, moldy talking points and cute analogies about Thomas Paine because you are clueless about how to create functional policy and have to justify the complete takeover of the two party system by self-serving ideological billionaires. Get a clue man.

Notice that I am attacking the statements, not the person. I am not labeling the statements until after I put them in context and bring up their silly irrelevance.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017 at 1h 47m 42s

Econ 101

A comment from a comment section about Health Care economics

I don’t believe there are a significant number of policy makers who really believe that market forces can bring the kind of efficiency to health care, that they can to commodities.

When I took undergrad Econ in college, in the eighties(!), the classes in which the basic concepts of how “free markets” work are taught, always taught about the limited conditions required for the theories to hold. The exceptions to the theories were just as much a part of the curriculum. Namely, the undergrad in Econ 101 learns about “externalities, monopoly and monopsony power, problems of asymetric information, problems with “goods” like health care that have very inelastic demand curves, the problem of public goods.”

This is Econ 101. I suspect the only people who have a simplistic “market fundamentalist” view of healthcare, are unsophisticated persons, with a conservative/libertarian instinct.

Paul Ryan is not such a person, and I believe that when Republicans, like him, speak with apparent fealty to such simple minded notions, they are doing so as a cheap and easy form of Propoganda. To persuade uninformed voters that their proposals have merit. That they are really looking out for the good of the American people.

The reason I think this distinction matters, is that there are very real conflicts, of wealth, power, prestige, that permeate human culture. The complicated systems that determine “who serves, and who eats.”

They will cluelessly destroy something that was working because they are blind ideologues. But as long as their rich donors get tax cuts, then problem solved. You losers should stop buying thousand dollar i-phones and invest in those health care savings accounts instead -- for health insurance that offers meagre coverage and expects you to pay a decent amount out of pocket while not paying for pre-existing conditions.

These people are so stupid. Sean Spicer actually had a press conference where he put the Obamacare bill and this current bill on the table and bragged about how much smaller in size the current bill is. He claimed the larger stack of paper was evidence of government bureaucracy, without mentioning that 6 pages of the smaller stack of paper were devoted to limiting poor people who win the lottery getting health care tax credits. Really? That's what you are worried about? I didn't realize poor people winning the lottery was driving health care costs.

Because they are con artists, and don't really care about trying to actually address the issues and solve the health care problem. They are simply disguising a tax cut to the very wealthy as health care reform. They drape everything in this bullshit mantra of anti-government free-market fundamentalism, when it really is just a costume for the savage incompetent, short-sighted greed of their wealthy donors. They are clueless dopes selling nonsense with a bunk philosophy.

Sunday, 12 March 2017 at 20h 45m 10s

Modern music rocks

This band is one of the best post-2000 bands. Headed by the amazing guitarist Tosin Abasi, Animals As Leaders rocks. A former student named Alex actually introduced me to this band. Thank you Alex. :-)

He's doing this on an 8 string guitar. Wow.

Here is Tosin Abasi on his 8 string electric guitar.

Here is "Wave of Babies"