2004 August 18 |
Lately, a lot of freepers have decided that making an argument consists of cutting and pasting lies provided for them by disreputable sources on the internet. Instead of being able to write their own opinions and checking their facts themselves, the freepers send what is sent to them in the email to anyone who they think needs to hear the cause. Below is my response to one unfortunate individual who in his ignorance, naively gobbles down all of the propaganda provided by the truth haters. |
Do you really support a lying, spoiled rotten rich-kid who hates this country? 1.) Bush scored a 25 (out of 100) on his Air Force Reserve test, and yet still jumped over 200 applicants and was allowed into the AF Reserves. His daddy got his Driver's License records changed by consulting a friend who was a judge, and GW Bush thereby erased the history 2.) Bush was grounded in 1972 because he refused to show up for a drug test. Incidentally, the 1972 drug test was the first time the tests tested for cocaine. He was listed as inactive after 1972, which meant one of two things at that time: 1) bush was disabled, or 2) bush was awol. He wasn't disabled. The records Bush provided in early 2004 are riddled with suspicious errors that are probably forged. Go here to find out why (LINK: http://www.glcq.com ) According to 2 soldiers who served in Alabama, Bush never showed up. Go read the article in the Memphis Flyer for yourself. (LINK: http://www.memphisflyer.com/content.asp?ID=2834&onthefly=1 ) In case you are too lazy to click on the link and read the article, the caption of the Memphis Flyer article is FedEx Pilot Bob Mintz, backed up by a Carolina colleague, recalls no Dubya at Dannelly AFB in 1972. 3.) At the behest of Karl Rove, Bush buys a ranch in Crawford in 1999, purchasing all the cattle and necessary decorations so he can look and act like he's a down hommie. Actually, he's terrified of horses. Hearing him talk about how he likes to ride around on his ranch looking at cows and clearing brush is a bunch of bullshit. 4.) You want to chide Kerry because he's rich ... and yet you support Bush. Bush's family have been wall street financiers since his Nazi grandfather Prescott made money by laundering money for the Nazi's. 5.) EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: No, Kerry was a prosecutor. He did not vote to cut every law enforcement, CIA, and defense bill in his career. 1976-1979 Prosecutor, Middlesex County 6.) I ordered Boston to remove a fire hydrant which I considered unsightly, in front of my mansion, I googled to find this story. It's from a NYTimes articles By PAM BELLUCK published on July 25, 2004. (LINK: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/07/25/politics/campaign/25PAM.html?ex=1092974400&en=995f24b228ca83fd&ei=5070&fta=y ) The only reference to this fire hydrant is the following ..."Soon after they moved in, Mr. Kerry and his wife ruffled a few neighborhood feathers when he paid to move a fire hydrant to create more parking in front of his home." I don't really see what the problem is. Why can't a man create more parking? You said that Kerry thought it was "unsightly" and doesn't the article say that he "moved" the fire hydrant. Move means that the fire hydrant is still in the neighborhood, thereby NOT ENDANGERING THE NEIGHBORS IN THE EVENT OF FIRE. Why are you obfuscating? 7.) Three minor injuries ? Shrapnel in your ass is not minor. Kerry still has a piece of shrapnel in his ass. In the military, a soldier does not make the decision whether an injury is minor. That decision is made by the commanding officers and the head of the military unit. Someone who has never been in a war, or never served in the military would not know this, and is thus vulnerable to this kind of disgusting propaganda. 8.) I then returned to the US, joined Jane Fonda in protesting the war. You think you've made a point. Perhaps you agree with air head Britany Spears or empty brain Macho man Bruce Willis. Who gives a shit whether he joined a hollywood actress in protesting the war? Do you have an independent mind, or do you just believe everything they feed you? 9.) ...and insulted returning Vietnam vets, claiming they committed atrocities and were baby killers. Oh, so you disagree with Republican's who fought in Vietnam, who all attested to atrocities ... John McCain and Chuck Hagel ... and Tommy Franks and Colin Powell. Man, they've got you brainwashed. This is so easy. Perhaps I should have mercy on your ignorant ass. Nah. 10.) I threw my medals, ribbons, or something away in protest. Or did I? He threw his medals against the wall behind him at a rally to signify his disgust with the way the war degenerated the military. He picked them up later, and still has the medals. You are acting like this is hypocritical because you can't think for yourself and you'd rather toss out propaganda to appease your preconceived ideas. 11.) My book; Vietnam Veterans Against the War!: The New Soldier 12.) COLLEGE: Nope. That was Bush my foolish friend. Is this your tack? Accuse the opponent of what Bush himself did. I suppose Bush learned so much from his gift MBA that he was unable to form any business that didn't lose money and have to be bought out by daddy's friends or his Saudi financiers. I can't find proof of what grades Kerry got, but According to the Yale website for it's famous alumni (LINK: http://www.wordiq.com/definition/John_Kerry ) Under the guidance of the speaking coach and history professor Rollin Osterweis, Kerry won dozens of debate contests against other college students from across the nation. In March 1965 , as the Vietnam War escalated, he won the Ten Eyck prize as the best orator in the junior class for a speech that was critical of U.S. foreign policy. To be fair, here is what the same site has for Bush: (LINK: http://www.wordiq.com/definition/George_W._Bush ) While at Yale he joined Delta Kappa Epsilon (where he was president from October 1965 until graduation), and the Skull and Bones society. He played baseball during his freshman year and rugby during his junior and senior years. He received a bachelor's degree in history in 1968 , attaining a GPA of 2.35. Although he had an SAT score of 1206, 200 points below that of the average Yale freshman in 1970 , he benefited from an admissions policy that gave preference to the children of alumni (his score was at roughly the 70th percentile nationwide). Hmm... bush had a 2.35 gpa ... Kerry won dozens of debate contests. Are you really this easy to be led by propaganda? 13.) Unlike my counterpart George Bush, I have no higher education and did not get admitted to Harvard nor graduate with an M.B.A See point #14. 14.) PAST WORK EXPERIENCE: Uh, you can't be a prosecutor without a law degree. According to the same Yale site, In September of 1973 , he entered Boston College Law School at Newton, Massachusetts . He received his Juris Doctor degree in 1976 . While in law school he had been a student prosecutor in the office of the District Attorney of Middlesex County , John J. Droney. After passing the bar exam and being admitted to the Massachusetts bar in 1976, he went to work in that office as a full-time prosecutor. If you actually want to compare a Master's of Business to a Degree in Law, Kerry successfully used his degree of law as a prosecutor. Bush failed at every business he ever had, and had to be saved everytime by Daddy's friends and Saudi financing. Yea, well, as Bush himself said, "I know how to use a rolodex." 15.) ACCOMPLISHMENTS: So what? And your point is? 16.) I have consistently failed to support our military and CIA by voting against budgets, thus gutting our country's ability to defend itself. So ill-informed are yee. You must be referring to that RNC talking point about his 1993-4 vote, where he cut $500 million dollars that the CIA could not account for, and voted for an increase in the operating budget, along with other Republicans ... John Warner (R-Va.) being one. Cutting waste makes the military more efficient, and saves needed funds for the country's ability to defend itself. Are you defending Government pork? Or are you just stupid? 17.) Although I voted for the Iraq War, now I am against it and refuse to admit that I voted for it. No he did not vote for the war. He voted to give the President the authorization to go to the United Nations and get the inspectors into Iraq to determine if there was a threat. Did you read the resolution that Kerry voted for? Probably not. The resolution stipulated that the President shall not go to war unless he exhausted all options, namely : 1) a second trip to the United Nations (which Bush never did) and 2) proof that there were Weapons of Mass Destruction. Bush did not follow the law as stipulated by the resolution. Instead of proof, instead of a second UN visit, he has a press conference on the Azore Islands. Are you this simple minded? 18.) I voted for every liberal piece of legislation. You're making me laugh. What do you think liberal is? Is legislation about the environment liberal? Is ensuring the safety of workers liberal? 19.) I have no plan to help this country but I intend to raise taxes significantly if I am elected. Do you know how to listen or read? This is simply not true. And if you think Bush has a plan, than explain the Iraq war fiasco? Kerry is only proposing rolling back taxes on those make more than $200,000 and closing loopholes that allow businesses to get a post-office in Bermuda and not pay any taxes. He's going to fund the Small Business Adminstration that GW Bush cut. He's going to offer targeted tax cuts to the middle class. Bush says "He's going to raise our taxes," which is a misleading statement if you understand what the word "our" means. Explain what Bush did to medicare with the corporate slush fund he's calling medicare reform. As for Kerry's plans, go here (LINK: http://www.johnkerry.com/index.html ) In the left-hand column you will see the PLAN FOR AMERICA. No was that really hard to do. Or are you too damn lazy to get off of the sofa where you have FOX NEWS lies blasting into your brain. How's it feel to be lied to? How's it feel to be manipulated by corporate fascists who have invaded your pea-brain and distorted you mind ? 20.) My wealth so far exceeds that of my counterpart, George Bush, ...that he will never catch up. Do you know anything about the Carlyle Group? At least, Kerry's wealth does not come from selling arms and stuff that kills people. 21.) I make no or little charitable contributions and have never agreed to pay any voluntary excess taxes in MA, Do you know anything about the Heinz Foundation Endowments (LINK: http://www.heinz.org/index.asp?loc=home ) or here( http://www.heinz.com/jsp/foundation.jsp ) ? "no or little charitable contributions" ... The Heinz Endowments approved over $54 million in grants to nonprofit organizations in 2003. Teresa Heinz sold off most of inheritance, and spread her investment funds in 1995. Right now, she only has a 4% controlling interest. It took me 30 seconds to find this information. You either don't want to know what you are talking about, or you are deliberately lying. Which is it? 22.) I (we) own 28 manufacturing plants (Heinz) outside of the U.S. in places like Asia, Mexico and Europe. I (we) own 28 manufacturing plants (Heinz) outside of the U.S. in places like Asia, Mexico and Europe. Again, do you know anything about the Carlyle Group? At least, Kerry's wealth does not come from selling arms and stuff that kills people. The Bush family also does billions of dollars of business with the Saudi royal family. Furthermore, the Heinz company is not spread across the world because it is closing jobs and outsourcing it's labor costs. Heinz products involve fruit and vegetable products, which can't really be shipped all across the world and still remain fresh, so the company sets up plants in the locals where it sells and obtains local supplies. This is quite different than Boeing outsourcing it's parts industries to China, and then importing all of the parts to Seattle. 23.) We can make more profit from the cheaper cost of labor in those Countries, Although I claim to be in favor of alternative energy sources, Ted Kennedy and I You ever heard of Kennebunkport, Maine --- Hint: it's one of the many Bush family vacation spots. They love to ride in their yachts too. Did GW Bush propose to end the tax-breaks for companies who export jobs overseas? No, that was Kerry. Didn't Bush say he wanted to make businesses accountable, and then fought the passage of the bill that was going to disallow manipulating accounting standards until he got his Republican friends to put together a pointless bill with no other enforcement than the signature of the CEO. Bush allow his pals at Enron Game the Energy market in California so he could save Enron from bankruptcy. He refused to set caps on prices, forcing many small businesses and consumers to the wall, until a year later when Enron was going bankrupt. He acted like he hardly knew Ken Lay, although Ken Lay had sleepovers in the white house, Ken Lay chose appointments all over the administration, and Ken Lay's emails became sentences in federal regulations and laws. Ken Lay's private jets flew the staffers of Tom Delay to Florida so they could pretend they were a protest of "hanging chads" and shut down the counting of the votes that was the letter of the Florida law. |