When you wake up you will soon realize that Bush is only leading you like a good doggie to the deep woods merely to pull out the gun and shoot you dead. Bush and his gang of thugs are the most corrupt administration since Ullysses Grant.
Of course you want proof. I will gladly oblige.
Number One. Lets start with the first legislation after 9-11 : an Economic Stimulus Bill that lavished Billions in tax rebates to energy and oil companies which were already profitable. These corporate lobbyists and CEO's all meet with Cheney in April of 2001 and discussed what they were intending to do with the energy bill, the tax breaks, environmental regulations (or lack thereof), and they looked at maps of Iraq nicely parceling out the major oil fields are located, postulating how the region could be carved up by themselves ... 6 months before 9-11.
Oh and by the way, number two, the California Energy crisis was really caused by corporate market manipulation ... yet Bush did nothing, acted in the face of evidence like the manipulation was not happening by his good buddy Ken Lay and his other friends at Duke Energy and Reliant Energy. He and Cheney pooh-poohed conservation and huffed about Alaskan Oil. Bush put out an advertisement about the need to "conserve energy" throughout the South, even though his budget cut monetary support for energy conservation. Meanwhile, Bush appointee to FERC and Kenny Lay friend Patrick Wood III played dumb and stupid for a whole year. 2 years later, the proof of the electricity shortage rigging contained irrefutable evidence, andCalifornia is in a god damn fiscal crisis right now not less because of $30 billion in over-payments to these angelic energy companies who were so naturally efficient as private companies that they are going to get away with this and keep most of the profits.
But we are told that there is oil in Alaska which will solve our problems. Bush and his Republican gangsters all like to holler about environmentalist sentimentality stopping the drilling in Alaska. But oil companies themselves are unexcited about Alaskan Crude because the oil is too costly to get to, and also because there is only enough extractable oil to last 6 months at the current rate of U.S. consumption. Alaskan Oil is a straw puppet. These thugs use it to distract the public and avoid a discussion about a real change in our production and consumption of energy.
Number three.
Some 10,000 or more coal and energy companies were allowed to "break the law" and not have to convert (or invest) any of their profits for new technology that would clean their smoke stacks. The implications that will be with us for the next 20 plus years because acid rain is very real. The streams of the mid-west, Appalacians, and Southern Canada are flooded with the residue of toxicity which falls from the skies. The toxins leech into the ground and pollute the groundwater, the topsoil, and the fish. Damage is irreversible. But so what if you get barren fields, undrinkable water, and uneatable fish. Money is everything, right ?
Ask Bush : he has not yet visited the funeral of a single soldier in the USA (number three.) But he did plan a well publicized visit to one for the cameras on his trip to England, and then cancelled the trip because of the protesters. He has plenty of time traveling the country raising millions of dollars, plenty of time to play golf and take month long vacations and afternoon naps, but he can't be an honorable man and pay respects to the men whom he sent to war.
And that Thanksgiving Turkey he held was a plastic, non-edible gimmick He didn't even eat with the troops, and stayed long enough to get his picture taken with a real turkey.
That was number four. But you'll have to start counting the rest yourself . This man is one big photo op. It's all smoke and mirrors, and frankly my eyes hurt.
Where's the "Manufacturing Czar" Bush touted out during his roll through OHIO back in October 2003? At the time, all the job losses in the "Rust Belt" mid-west caused Mr. Bush to act like he was on top of the situation by promising this appointment. He said nothing about why companies are choosing to close up shop and go to a cheap labor region, nothing about the tax breaks they get when they buy mailboxes in Bermuda, nothing about the shenanigans corporate executives make with employee retirement funds. Nothing. His new Czar would handle those questions.
He mentioned nothing about how Walmart is altering the supply network with contracts to China factories, forcing USA companies out of business or out of the USA. The split between large and small companies is exploding. Multinational giants can easily outsource to cheap labor regions of the world. Small local companies cannot just pick up an go because they don't have the financial resources, and they can't compete with the large corporations because they can't cut their prices in order to compete. This is not economic free trade squeezing out the inefficient companies. This is very large corporations using cheap labor markets to massively undercut domestic manufactoring and small businesses, most of whom are very well managed and very efficient; but nevertheless slowly slipping into bankruptcy.
So where is our Czar and what would he do? Bush offers platitudes not solutions.
But that's okay because now that Saddam is captured, those bad ole poor economic press days are over. Now those stories of corrupt and bad economic news can be replaced with some old despot found buried in the dirt with a gun.
This is a like arresting the street dealers and ignoring the drug warehouse owners. Saddam was aided and supported for the first 25 years of his rise to Iraqi power. The suppliers of power will always be able to find a puppet to attempt to manipulate and do their dirty deeds. US foreign policy has historically been more about stability and economic gain than democracy. Horrible tyrant that he was indeed, Saddam is not guilty of the incentives of US foreign policy that caused the US to support him for those 25 years.
And capturing Saddam changed nothing. The Iraqis don't want us there. Saddam was found alone in a hole, obviously he has no authority.
Wasn't WMD the original reason to go to war ? "A smoking gun in the form of a mushroom cloud" said Mr. Bush himself, or was that his expert speech writer. All of the top administration officials muttered that there were definately weapons of mass destruction. All of it lies. The administration had every intention to go to war with Iraq and even created a rogue intelligence committee within the government in order to hear what it wanted to hear. This administration was not interested in finding a reason to go to war because they were going to war looking for a reason.
But oh well, now we might as well be martyrs for the cause and start believing that we are now going to actually help the Iraqi people. We are gonna teach them democracy you see.But w hat democracy is it that gets created from a council of corrupt bureaucrats appointed by the conquerors? The neo-cons favorite boy Ahmad Chalabi had to flee Jordan because he was bilking the depositors of the bank he owned. If he crosses over the Jordan border on the West he will be arrested. This is like arresting our president if he visits Mexico. Congress and the state department have funded Chalabi's expatriate Iraqi National Congress for the last 20 years, which is also how long it has been since Mr. Chalabi last set foot in Iraq.
And how much DO the Iraqi's want us to sell off their state assets to politically connected American corporations who then import cheap Indian and African labor instead of hiring Iraqis.
But corruption is this administration's middle name. Cheney is currently receiving monthly disbursements from Halliburton (he gets about $100,000 a year.) Bush regime long time buddy Jim Baker is Halliburton's lawyer. Halliburton has a bad history record for services and quality of goods because the company uses sub-contracts to cronies to skim profits by buying on the cheap, but writing larger figures on the books. The service is not even efficient. Poor or non-existent MAIL SERVICE, bad food, not enough potable water, shoddy equipment, shortage of supplies are all complaints that were verified by recent military inspections. Have you been paying attention ? Soldiers were reported to have been using captured weapons because there were not enough in supply. They were reported to be eating food dispersed by UN troops because the ready-to-eat food was unedible and unhealthy. The were being charged outrageous prices for the food when they were in the hospital. There is much more than the 50 cent markup on gasoline that got all the press.
"By far the vast majority of my tax cut goes to the bottom half" said Bush during the 2000 campaign. Bullshit. 14% went to the lower 60%. Apparently 14% is "by far the vast majority." Bush failed Math in school so we should excuse him his error of the tongue.
Trickle down is bogus. There is no way of knowing what happens to the "freed-up" money that goes to the top 5% who benefited from the tax cuts. The assumption is that the wealthy will invest the money. Historically this does not happen however, and the myth persists. Instead, most of the money gets spend on conspicuous consumption or goes into the purchasing of securities. There is no real creation of jobs because this is depending upon a shopping spree. You create jobs when you subsidize small businesses or invest in the economic and social infrastructure so that the government thereby removes an economic cost.
Owning securities is not "investing" really, but merely the purchasing of a guaranteed yearly percentage of the profits. These certificates have already raised and used the money represented by a stock certificate. Other securities involve business loans than can range from anywhere between operating expenses, transaction costs, or even opening up new production. But what happens to society is disconnected . The profits of corporations is the not the same thing as investing by building communities and creating jobs in the United States when corporations are moving overseas. The money they received from this "investment" is mainly used to just buy up other companies. Ever notice how the "trickle-down" era has also coincided with the largest merger mania in the nation's history.
The 9-11 commission is having to force law suits on the administration in order to investigate what happened because the administration is dragging its feet, waiting for the commission's deadline to expire. Republican Kean (ex-governor from New Jersey) is himself outraged at the administration's actions.
Why were Saudi friends of the bin Laden's and George Bush allowed a free plane ride out of the country on September 12th without any investigation allowed ? Who allowed the Air force plans to stand down despite automatic protocol when planes break communication after 5 minutes? Why were 28 pages of the preliminary 9-11 commissions report detailing the "Saudi" connection blackened and classified ? What is the administration hiding?
Why did Bush do nothing despite persistent and constant warnings for 9 months prior to 9-11? This was not the result of ignorance. Ashcroft stopped flying commercial airliners in August 2001. Bush still refuses to release the contents of the meeting he had in August with Condi Rice where he was supposedly briefed about the "terrorist" threat.
Why were those Oil executives and Dick Cheney looking at Oil maps of Iraq in April 2001 ... a map carved up into many sectors and suggestions of potential oil revenue? This was 6 months before 9-11.
Why is Bush so gung-ho about privatizing the federal work force and eliminating many of the civil-service regulations ? Does he want to return to the days when the government was composed of political hacks by appointment instead of government professionals ? The civil service commission dates back to 1884. Bush says he wants "flexibility" to hire the best people. Bullshit. The civil service provides any applicants he could ever want to hire and in no way restricts a presidents ability to hire the best people. The flexibility he wants is the flexibility to fill the realm with his lackeys and kiss asses, who will interpret the law in a favorable light.
Where's the Anthrax killer ?
Who's the senior administration official who leaked the name of CIA agent Valerie Plume and thus destroyed undercover operations in Nigeria - out of spite and revenge because ambassador Wilson did his job and went to Nigeria to learn that the shipment of "yellowcake" Uranium was bogus. Bush is a leader who wants to take down a man who tells the truth by destroying the operations of our government. Hmm, you don't like a general who uncovers a false lead, so you shoot the general's troops dead. How Fucking stupid.
That new medicare Law is a $400 billion subsidy to the insurance-private hospital-big pharmaceutcal monolith. The law makes it illegal for Medicare to make bulk purchases, makes illegal to import the same drugs from Canada that corporations import from Canada, and will cost most seniors more money. According to the republican Talking points dispatched to all the radio talking gestapo, seniors should have to pay more out of pocket so they will efficiently use the services of the healthcare industry.
Say what? The healthcare industry prices are sky-rocketing because of the fractured system of profit-driven private insurance, not because people are using too many services. 25% of all medical care costs is skimmed off as profits in the healthcare industry. Medicare is running at 2% over costs. Canada spends half as much as we do on healthcare because nearly half (45%) of medical expenses is the result of the manifold numbers of different insurance companies.
Let's face it, some industries are just too damn important to leave to whims of profit driven business. These people are making tons of money off of sick and injured people. And the people are going bankrupt because they can't pay their medical bills. Retirement funds are wiped out.
Now the administration admits the great medicare bill will cost $550 billion.
Why are we throwing good money after bad. We can easily pay for national health care. We are paying twice as much money as necessary because of our inability to realize nationalized medicine works better. Studies released by Harvard state that half of the costs of medical care accrue because of the administrative costs in haggling with the numerous private insurance companies. The studies state that national health insurance would easily be paid for by the administrative costs savings. Would you pay twice as much merely because of an ideological inhibition? If the exorbitant profits were reinvested in health care, at least the price would support the healthcare system. But instead, those profits are moved around to other unrelated enterprises, in search of more money, because we confuse efficiency, competition, private enterprise, and profits. It doesn' t have to be this way.
How come this administration insists on having a slogan backdrop in order to highlight the presidents speech to the people ? Unfortunately I can now recall only one of those "slogans" -- "Mission Accomplished" -- but there have been many. Another one occurred when Bush surprised the nation with his Waco summit on the economy, in which he met with his business friends and top corporate executives so the cameras could record him listening, taking notes, and paying attention. But only for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. According to a report in the New York Times, Bush attended this conference only for an hour and a half, before leaving.
Our president apparently doesn't have enough time for the country of which he is the leader.
The list goes on and you probably think I'm some "fucking liberal."
Please, don't be a dumbshit you fool. True conservatives are throwing up at this gang of fascist thugs.Look around you and notice how we are slowly being surrounded by Corporate goon squads and their hired henchmen who want to make this the USSR. Already, 90% of the media is owned by 3 companies, all of whom gladly spin the lies proferred by the corporate establishment.
Don't allow these pigs to blind your patriotism with their vulgar creeping despotism.
Gino Napoli
490 31st Avenue # 204
San Francisco,
California 94121
High School Math Teacher
Terra Nova High School
Pacifica, California
(415) 751 -