... or at least my own |
March 16 , 2004
Once again Madame Saunders illustrates the hack writer she is by obfuscating the issues with another hit piece. Quoting some unknown think tank source with the sweet sounding "Defense of Democracies" she asserts the Spanish election means that the "Terrorists have won." She says that the voters gave "the terrorists what they wanted" and furthered "the terrorists goals." And then equates Spain's removing troops from Iraq as "appeasement." All of this of course assumes that the Bush administration is doing anything real about "terrorism" than public relations statements. The Iraq war was never about terrorism, never about weapons of mass destruction, and our mistaken involvement has actually hindered the efforts to eradicate terrorism. President Bush himself said that "there was no proof" that Iraq was linked to Al-Qaeda, but nevertheless followed through on the single-minded obsession because the administration wanted to attack Iraq since January 2001, according to Paul O'Neill, ex-Treasury secretary. This admistration ignored every warning prior to September 11th because they had a secret agenda. Cheney meet with energy and oil executives in April 2001 to look at oil maps of Iraq. This administration and its apologist newspaper columnists like to think failure is a reason to pursue the same stupid, irrational policy choices. The entire world was against the Iraq war, because war has only increased the likelihood of terrorism, which is what 90% of the Spanish people understood. Ms. Saunders shows her real contempt for democracy when she says that voters "who weren't going to vote ... decided to go to the polls, oddly, to further the terrorists goals." What kind of statement is that Ms. Saunders? How can you mock the patriotic intentions of the Spanish people who were actually so disgusted that they exercised their freedom to vote for a candidate that expressed their own beliefs? People like you are so self-righteous that you willfully slander and misrepresent those who might have valid reasons to believe what they do. Are you aiding the terrorists if you don't act the way Ms. Saunders thinks you should believe? But Ms. Saunders as usually either doesn't know what she's talking about, or she doesn't care to be bothered with facts because her mind is already made up. Go team go. Colin Powell presented fraudulent evidence to the UN council about a terrorist camp that was in Kurdistan that is still operating because the United States was more interested in cutting deals to pursue the Iraq war. All Bush had to do was send a plane over there and bomb the camp if he was really worried about "terrorism." The weapons of mass destruction that were sold to Iraq by Reagan and Donald Rumsfeld were destroyed by the inspectors during the Clinton administration, according to every single UN expert who has been there, and even David Kay after he returned from his 2003 stint in Iraq. Recall Bush never got UN approval and had to fake a news conference on the Azore islands to act like he had support for this stupid war. Yes, Saddam is a bad man, but he was also old and would soon be dead. He didn't pose a threat. And if we really cared about democracy, why are we appointing a council of chosen rogues that are allowing Iraq's assets to be sold to foreign investors rather than fostering internal economic development. Do we replace one corrupt regime with another and then leave? We have lost control of Afghanistan, and now that the production of Opium has reached record levels the terrorists are getting a source of funding. The privatization and mismanagement of the military contracts cannot even supply the troops because the administration is more concerned with making sure it's corporate buddies get nice profit margins. The administration charges fees or denies health-care to the troops who fight the war. The administration has cut funding to the firefighters despite political ads and promises in front of the television cameras, and our nation is no more prepared now than 2 years ago because the administration's agenda is not really about fighting terrorists, but about setting up puppet regimes friendly to corporate financial interests. Ms. Saunders, you need to stop being a partisan apologist for the administrations lies and mistakes. Or is that what you get paid to do. Sources: --- 16 March 2004