A friend of mine sent me a joke about a frog that ended with a suggestion that Clinton had sex with a 15 year old girl. Or at least that was the hilarious punchline. Ha Ha.
This kind of scurrilous bull doesn't do our nation any good.
3 plus years into the worst president ever and these fools are still worrying about Clinton
Clinton lied about his infidelity with an aide who was older than 21. No one died and the lies did not cost the tax payers any money or any loss of health or welfare ... unless you include the lying hypocrites who preferred to focus on this issue and not the rampant corruption which enables multinational corportations to get subsidies and tax breaks and permission to break the law.
They spent 70 plus million dollars to find nothing on Whitewater, but scream and holler about spending 4 million on the 9-11 commission, fight tooth and nail to release any documents, refuse to testify before the commission, moan and groan about extending the commission's deadline, insist that the commission doesn't need any subpoena authority, and Cheney himself made phone calls to Daschle not to have the commission in the first place. Bush by the way said at first that we don't need a commission until he couldn't avoid the issue.
Oh, but that Bill Clinton, you know, he had sex. I really don't see what is so funny about the innuendo with the 15 year old.
Bush lies about everything. And his lies hurt, kill, and maim people.
But the media and these fools are still worried about Clinton
Damn ditto-heads can't think for themselves. Meanwhile, the Bush nazi's are doing whatever they want and framing the argument as one of self-righteous patriotism. If they lie and get caught, they just change the focus, or use nice-sounding phrases like "Clear Skies." "Healthy Forests," and "Leave No Child Behind." They talk about Democrats being hateful and mad but who the hell is talking. Has anyone been listening over the last 10 years at people like Jim Inofe (Republican - Okla.,) Tom Delay (Republican - Texas,) Ann Colter, Mike Savage, Rush Oxycontin Limpbought, or Newt Gingrich. These people are plain insane. They beat the opposition to a pulp with a stick and then get mad because there is blood on the stick. They scream "socialism" but when you ask them to define the word they can't do it, because that red-herring is just a term they use to put the opposition on the defense and destroy legitimate discussion. They fly in political operatives on corporate planes to scream and shout outside of West Palm Beach court-houses and act like it is a citizens revolt. They buy up radio stations and build huge monolithic media holding companies and then call the corporate press the "liberal media."
95% of the corporate air waves is right-wing jocko bullshit because these fools don't want to let anyone else have an opinion. They exclaim that no one is interested in other opinions but then can't explain how come 75% voted for someone other than a Republican in the last 2 election cycles (because 50 % did not vote at all.) Donahue gets canned from MSNBC despite having the highest rating of their talk show spectrum, only to be replaced by first Michael Savage and then Dennis Miller ... both of whom no one watches at all ... and they have to pay the audience to show up to see lame Dennis Miller sell his soul to the nazi corporate beast.
Did you get all that? I thought we lived in a country that allowed a freedom of speech. Or does that only exist when you own the airwaves?
So far the first two political ads by the George Bush gang are horrific lies, and the media says not a thing. Bush accuses Kerry of being wishy-washy, and says he voted against the troops. Say what? I can't believe these people. It was the Bush administration who wanted slashed reserve pay, who cut education for military children, who slashed medical care for the troops. And this isn't whiny liberal talk, or whatever else say the lying savages of Hannity, O'Reilly, and Fox News. This is according to the American Legion, Army Times, and Gulf War Veterans organizations.
But these people will frame the argument and lie if they can't win a legitimate debate. Did you hear George Bush respond to the Kerry proposal that they hold a monthly debate? No, you did not. They only want to spend their corporate slush fund to confuse and stir up the public about slander, nonsense, and deception rather than discuss the issues because they are a bunch of shameless lying savages.
Of course when no one is paying attention, has a memory that disappears in 48 hours, and is all up in a roar because (oh my God) Janet Jackson showed her little teeny-weeny boob on the Super Bowl, when Bush can use government funds to distribute fake news videos to lie about what the medicare bill didn't do, threatened someone's job who wanted to tell the truth about the real costs, stand in front of a selected audience of soldiers with a plastic Turkey (they screened the soldiers who attended to make sure no one was present who might disagree) and act like he is a leader who makes "tough decisions" that he was bent on finding a way to do ever since January 2001.
He stands in front of a selected audience and revels like Mussolini when the worshipping audience boos and hisses at Kerry's name, while protesters are herded a mile away into a fenced-off "free-speech zone" so that the cameras do not reveal the depth of the anti-Bush sentiment in the real, non-fabricated world.
And don't think they'll play fair. In Cigar Afficionado magazine, military general
Tommy Franks
"says that if the United States is hit with a weapon of mass destruction that inflicts large casualties, the Constitution will likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government."(1) We got reports of 57 (out of 164) Diebold scanning voting machines in San Luis Obispo, California connecting to the internet at 3:51 pm for no apparent reason. (2)
"After polls close, results are sent to a central server via modem. Anytime modems are involved, hackers get an opportunity to intercept data, computer security experts say.
" (2) And this is the same Diebold corporation whose top CEO Walden O'Dell "told Republicans in an Aug. 14 fund-raising letter that he is 'committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year.'' The letter invited guests to a $1,000-a-plate fund-raiser at O'Dell's suburban Columbus mansion."(3)
Why are we entrusting our right to vote to private corporations? Are we that stupid?
How much of the Patriot Act did you read?
Oh my god is the nation in trouble if this fiend becomes President again.
(1)---Gen. Franks Doubts Constitution Will Survive WMD Attack John O. Edwards, NewsMax.com
Friday, Nov. 21, 2003
Electronic Vote Security Uncertain
SAN JOSE, Calif., Sept. 11, 2003
(3) ---Diebold appears to have conflict of interest
CEO lobbies for Bush while seeking contract to sell voting machines Posted on Fri, Aug. 29, 2003
Associated Press
Gino Napoli
490 31st Avenue # 204
San Francisco,
California 94121
High School Math Teacher
Terra Nova High School
Pacifica, California
(415) 751 -