I wonder sometimes if people are sometimes so smug and coddled by the identification of themselves with a certain political party that they refuse to see the personification of the same horrible traits they would despise in the other political party. No name calling is necessary here, because everyone has a right to their point of view. Were we all to be perfect, everyone of us would be able to freely change our minds when confronted with evidence. Alas we are not perfect.
Let us compare and contrast. Clinton was investigated for and accused of everything during his 8 years in the oval office, most of which were exaggerated, and the rest were untrue. Clinton did have "sex with that woman" and so thus he did lie "under oath" about his infidelity. And of course, he did have sex in the white house.
But nothing ever came of "Travelgate." The Clinton administration simply wanted to replace their travel agents with people of their own choosing. Actual mismanagement was going on by Peter Dale who was being independently investigated by the FBI. Partisans insinuated dastardly motivations where there were none, and accused the Clintons of political horrors rather than reveal the ugly truth about the misdeeds of the incoming travel office. That's right, the misdeeds of the travel office dating back to Reagan was mooted by the uproar of political antics which aimed at distraction.
Nothing ever came of "Whitewater." Again, another investigation into the illegal financial actions of Jim McDougall pulled up an unrelated minor $30,000 investment by the Clinton's in a real estate corporation. The Clinton's never made money, never performed and favors, and were completely exculpated by the Banking Industries own report on the investigation. Nevertheless, a partisan rogue FBI director decided that the investment poised a potential minefield, and she sent word to Kenneth Starr. Now it is unethical to reveal details about an FBI investigation for political purposes, but nonetheless the corporate media allowed the hyperboles of what became the Whitewater scandal.
The two false suits of sexual harassment were actually plotted,aided, and abetted by the legal staff of the Presidential headhunters. The Lewinsky incident bore fruit, but notice that the case was not one of sexual harassment, and Monica testified that it was she who made the aggressive advances. Monica also did not sue the President, and unlike the other two femmes de jour , she did not receive lots of speaking fees or sell her story rights for money to certain ideological groups and magazines. There is no jail time involved if someone brings a false suit that media groups can use to publicize. And their is plenty of cash available to those who so choose this line of work.
Remember the hoopla about Vice President Gore supposedly meeting in a Buddhist Temple to receive cash from the Chinese goverment. Or the millions of dollars in damages the Clinton staff supposedly caused when leaving in 2001. Neither happened. The GAO released a report in 2001 that accounted for only $20,000 in damages, and decided that this "transition cost" was actually below average. And no money was ever raised or exchanged in the "chinagate" balonney. The famous 846 page Cox report on the "chinagate" scandal did not even prove that $30,000 was exchanged for sales of secrets to the chinese. The said secrets were even stated in the report to have occurred between 1984 and 1992, when Clinton was not even President. The reason this is a fact is because the GWH Bush state department discovered nuclear tests in China that occurred in 1992, so the secrets could not have been stolen in 1993.
But you see, in an election year, 1996, having a scandal can be very helpful.
But now the Bush administration waltzes in after being handed the white house by a partisan Supreme Court, after outright taking the election via a multiplicity of illegal actions in the state of Florida, all of which have been proven. Staffers of Republican congresspersons were flown into Miami on Enron jets to protest and disrupt the legal counting of the ballots. 4,000 overvotes in Volusia County were never explained. Mrs. Harris received legal advise and was in contact with the Bush administration team during the controversy. 90,000 voters were denied when a database corporation tied to Republican investors was hired to provide the data of Florida felons 6 months before the November elections. In some counties the lists were 90% inaccurate.
This administration sells political favors and has undeniably deep rooted ties with Saudi Arabian princes, one of whom bought out George W. Bushes first failed oil company, Arbusto, for millions of dollars, in 1983. Aiding him in forming his next venture, the company Spectrum was eventually bought and merged with the famed Harkin energy thanks to his fathers friends. Daddy's friends have come through all of Mr. Dubya Bushes life. They got him bumped up a list of 500 applicants for the air national guard, despite failing the entrance test with a score of 25 per cent. They issued him a new state license number in order to expunge his record of arrest in Texas, where he apparently got busted with possession of cocaine.
He's never been involved in a corporation without being put their by daddy's friends financial arrangements, and when Georgie broke the law in 1991 he was a member of the board. He sold the stock of Harken before the stock price tumbled. The SEC never investigated and produced a report that specifically stated that the lack of an investigation "in no way implies" that Dubya Bush was innocent.
He sat on the executive board when Harkin decided to sell its debt obligations to a company created by Harkin so that they could count the sale of debt look like a revenue source.
Martha Stewart was indicted simply because her investment broker gave her a tip. She was not a member on the board like George Dubya, and her actions were enough to land her in jail.
And we have not even gotten to the rest of the story, what happened every day, every month, every year beginning in 2001. It all started with allowing higher limits for arsenic in drinking water by eliminating rules Clinton put in place during the last month. Acting like the rules were hastily drawn up, the administration also ceased the rules about having logging roads in national forests. For one thing, the Arsenic rules took 3 years and many commission meetings to create, and for another, allowing logging roads in the national forest is like running electric wires in the bathtub : you don't really expect to be shocked that the timber industry could thoughtlessly overlog the forests.
Then there is the Mercury limits, the rewriting of the mountain top explosion rules, the regulations on mining, the oversight of the SEC, the permitting of 20,000 fossil fuel companies to have a 20 year extension on pollution, and the absolute insanity of continuing to fund nuclear energy. Ruinous medicare bills become laws without honest information on the bill, and blatant uses of funds to subsidize profits of private corporations against the best interests of the citizens.
Huge tax breaks are funded from the social security surplus, and increased costs are due to a war and a plan of action that did not have to even exist. The administration is however preordained by the Lord to never do wrongly and all naysayers are either disloyal or unworthy.
Oh dear what next.
Gino Napoli
490 31st Avenue # 204
San Francisco,
California 94121
High School Math Teacher
Terra Nova High School
Pacifica, California
(415) 751 -