The Voice of the People

... or at least my own

August 8 , 2004

Golly, I've never seen so many cyber goons hit the net. Some of these guys must all be unemployed lawyers with a grudge against humanity, stooping to such legalese in order to prop unsubstantiated rumors that have no credentials or basis of fact. These fellahs are all in the white house basement working 24-7 on the computers, on the phones, filling the airwaves and cyberspace with the expertise of professional dissembling and fabrication. The Goebbles squad has no shame. These folks are not interested in having a debate moderated by the facts or honest integrity. These folks are hired word mobsters, out to throw phrases of legal monikers, and carefully parsed sentences of fabrication because they represent the legal team of corporate fascism that is trying to descend upon our beloved nation.

Did you say facts??
1) One lie floating the cybernet by these hacker-goons is that Kerry paid Boston Globe writer Kranish to write a favorable story in the Boston Globe in order to "save" Kerry from scandal. However, no sources are provided for this statement, because there is no scandal. If you don't like what someone writes, you can't just disparage the writer with a made-up scandal in order to negate the facts presented in an article. And that's a pretty big scoop. Don't you think the New York Times would have blasted that on page one?

It's sad. You can't win the argument, or confront the facts, so you use a lie to prop up the whole artifice of lies. Still they never refute the facts of the said article, so thank you for the indirect admission of the truth.

2) Medals and purple hearts are not requested or even in the hands of the soldier who receives such medals. The commanding officer (in this case, Mr. Elliot) recommends to a superior officer based upon an investigation by the commanding officer AND FOLLOW-UP investigations by the superior officer. To suggest that medals were dishonably obtained is an inditement of the entire military chain of command.

3.) Mr. Elliot has not only publicly recanted any negative inferences due to the recent carefully worded "affadavit," but also in 1996 during Kerry's Senate campaign when he publically said that Kerry "served honorably." So did John McCain. Even the white house publically stated that they "never did and never will question Senator Kerry's military record."

4.) There is a large difference between an affadavit written by the same person who signs the document, based upon inner conviction -- and a sheaf of paper constructed by politically motivated legal teams that pressures a signature because of "time pressure." Would Mr. Elliot have publically recanted about signing an affadavit that he had written himself, of his own free accord? Or do you really think we should trust the results of lawyers making phone calls, sending faxes to sign, or ringing the doorbell for chat sessions about why someone should sign the prepared affadavit?

5.) John O'Neil never served in the same unit or on the same swift boat, at the same time as John Kerry. Neither were any of the other faces trotted out by the hit squad mobsters. That's right, all of them, each and everyone did not serve on the swiftboat at the same time. However, every soldier who did serve with Kerry on the same boat at the same time, each and every one, stood by and support Kerry 100 percent.

Now if you had a quarterback and every member of the team says the quarterback is a great leader who deserves his medals, does it really matter what a bunch of disgruntled players from an opposing team have to say ? Get real.

6.)The doctor who states that he operated on John Kerry is not the doctor who signed the medical ticket. You see in the military, the doctor who does the medical procedures signs the documents that are kept in the military files. Some buffoons in the cyber-talko-sphere have said that the signature was an adjutant officer, and that the doctor who did the surgery just didn't sign his name on the ticket, which is wrong on multiple accounts. Had this been true, then not only would this be easily proven by a paper trail, because to say a doctor is not signing the army paper trail is a very serious matter in military protocol, as anyone who served in the Armed Forces knows. Obviously, those arm chair patriots cannot help making these statements because they are too mentally immortal to recognize the absolute repugnace of such comments. No paper trail however has been offered, only an accusation by a man who says he was the doctor by an organization with partisan ties.


Gino Napoli
490 31st Avenue # 204
San Francisco, California 94121
High School Math Teacher
Terra Nova High School Pacifica, California
home: (415) 751 - 1499