... or at least my own |
August 21, 2002
You are a sad joke. Don't confuse a lot of your recent book buyers as the "American People." There are 258 million is this country, and you haven't sold anywhere near that many books my dear. If this is a numbers race, then you might want to look at a more diverse set of statistics before you start believing that you are speaking for the American People. And not everyone who disagrees is a "liberal." Your book will go the way of Wendell Willkie's "One World" (the erstwhile Republican candidate for President in 1940,) an insignifigant relic of defunct and juvenile ideas. And Willkie lost "despite the fact that 78% of the newspapers endorsed Wilkie .... Roosevelt carried all of the large cities except for Cincinnati," (http://www.multied.com/elections/1940.html) . So much for the "liberal media." What a hoot, that one. I'd laugh harder if it wasn't another sad indication of your obnoxious lack of sincerity. No Ann, you are a downright Jane Goebbles, a propaganda agent who guilelessly panders for money or fame (I hope not both.) You can't say (although you will) that your words stem from deeply felt principles. Your only principle is that you just want to win, and you will stoop to gossip and utter effigy if you must. You must sharpen your nails every night preparing for the next days fight. Oh well, a lot of people are proud in their acts of stupidity. So what ? It's the "corporate media" not the "liberal media" that is part of the problem, but not for the reasons and accusations you pride yourself in making. Our media is owned and battered by conglomerates who have demolished the original structure of news and the news staff because the bottom line is money not news. What we have now is media that is pushed and abetted by frowning down on "controversial" stories that might cause advertizing revenue to be pulled by the corporations. And if subtle intimidation doesn't work, there are always law suits pursued by legal staffs whose attorneys are actually funded by a network of wealthy pro-corporation control advocates. Being a lawyer yourself, perhaps you could shed some light on these murky aspects of our nations media. You see it is not that the stories don't get covered. It is that "controversial" stories aren't given the hype and detail that less "controversial" stories are. We focus on OJ Simpson, Tanya Harding, Monica's fetishes, and Ollie North's patriotism; instead of BCCI scandals involving overseas payments to Congressmen of both parties, CIA complicity in drug traffic, wholesale bribery of party officials, and the despotic regime of Kazakstan. I agree that knee-jerk liberals exist. But so do knee-jerk republicans, and they are not any smarter, wiser, or for that matter, better able at keeping the country out of the hands of Washington lobbyists and multinational corporations. Don't confuse intelligence or informed argument with spiteful acrid invective and "slander." The knee-jerk squad will love you, but then so too a dog will drool if you say the magic words or toss out the bloodied meat. Marie Antoinette said "Let them eat soup" back in the bad ole days of 1789. These days there are self-appointed arrogant femme social critics who say, "Let them eat Clinton." What do you know about the "American People" ? How many of them live your lifestyle? Lady, you need to "get off the pot." Perhaps you can indulge yourself in the hubris of the money and high-level associations you might entertain. Or maybe you just enjoy hating and spitting at everything. Good for you. Isn't it so nice to earn money to do something you love. But I can't believe that our national problems are as simple as "liberals ruined everything." That is about as simple-minded as a five year old little girl who thinks her parents ruined everything when they stopped playing the game of brother buying back the items little Ann originally stole from him. When an honest discussion about the multitude of national issues resorts to name calling, what good do you expect will result? You can hide behind your chosen group of "American People" all you want, but where is the knowledge and intelligence within the vitriol? Indeed you hone the tactics of a skilled "polemicist" (yes, I've been paying attention,) which means you are skilled at stirring up argument that avoids the detail and depth of discussion, per chance to create confusion and inflame the prejudices of the masses. There were plenty of politician white racists in the South and West who inflamed the voting populace with simplistic arguments about how "blacks", "foreigners", and "asiatics" were ruining the country. These tactics got the vote and maintain the political machines which existed (then as now.) You are no different. Go ahead, do it, utter those despicable words under your tongue. Call me and anyone else all the names you want, I don't care, because I have two entities it seems you will neither achieve, nor understand: Integrity and truth. I suggest you read Arianna Huffington if you wish to learn how to make a powerful argument that will lift the country out of confusion, rather than plunge us back into the ring with baseball bats and nuclear warheads. Sincerely, Gino Napoli 490 31st Avenue # 204 San Francisco, California 94121 High School Math Teacher Terra Nova High School Pacifica, California jonsdarc@mindspring.com home: (415) 751 - 1499 |